Annual Meeting Agenda


1.       Call to Order

2.       Welcome – 60th Annual Meeting

a.       Ask anyone attending via Zoom to please enter their name and address in the chat box

3.       Introductions of Board Members

4.       Financial Report

5.       Accomplishments from 2022

a.       Transitioned documents from old Board to new

b.       Reduced expenditures – volunteer administrative assistant, etc

c.       Separated subdivision into 15 zones and getting volunteers to be Captain of each zone.  Introduce Zone Captains present

d.       Identifying and addressing landscaping issues

e.       Identifying and addressing trees and creek issues

f.        Repairs to lighting and signage

g.       New and improved website

h.       Created Venmo and PayPal accounts to allow homeowners to pay fees electronically

i.         Worked with attorney to prepare proposed amendment to Indentures

6.       Explanation of Proposed Amendment to Indentures

7.       Number of unsettled liens

8.       Number of releases filed

9.       Future Plans for 2023

a.       Prepare Welcome Letter/Packet for all new residents

b.       Continue involvement and participation of Zone Captains

c.       Canvas the homeowners who have not turned in their vote on the proposed amendment 

d.       Obtain contact information on all homeowners

e.       Prepare Handbook for Zone Captains

f.        Create a Policy and Procedures Manual so that everything we do is a documented process

g.       Create individual committees to work on select projects

h.       Seek bids on landscaping and tree maintenance

i.         Look into more lighting in the subdivision

j.         Identify areas of our Indentures that need to be updated

k.       Continue to look for cost-cutting measures

l.         Meeting schedule for 2023 – See handout for all dates

10.   Guest Speakers

11.   Questions from the Floor – Identify yourself.  Do not use any person’s name or specific address in any sort of complaint.  You have 3 minutes for your question.   

12.   Closing Remarks

13.   Refreshments


Annual Meeting Minutes


December 2022 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes