April 2023 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Mackenzie Hennekes, Ryan Storie, Jackie Tebbe, Greg Hertlein and Hugh McWilliams, plus Administrative Assistant Mary Ann McWilliams
Resident Attendees: Don Cannon, Margie & Carl Flood, Steve & Lynn Stickford, David & Cindy Hull, Nancy Katich, Ginger Whetstone, Dave Carr, Karen Anderson, and Lucille Hines
President Mackenzie Hennekes called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. She welcomed all visitors and the Board members introduced themselves.
Agenda for tonight’s meeting:
Approval of the March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes – Mackenzie asked if there were any changes to be made to the minutes and there being none, it was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as presented.
Financial Update – Jackie passed out handouts showing our P&L for the month of March 2023. through March 31, 2023, showing revenue of $6,400.59 and expenses of $3,431.82. Majority of expenses was for our various insurance policies. Our checking account looks good for now, but as we move into summer, the grass mowing and tree removal issues will eat up our revenue quickly. To date our assessment fees amount to around $37,000. Financials are posted on our website each month.
Ameren/Lighting Update – Greg reported that Ameren has completed work on our entrance sign at Mattis and Towne South. Further all our pole lights have had new LED bulbs installed and this has really made things brighter. The good news is that all this didn’t cost us a dime.
Zone Captains – Hugh reported that all zone captains have been identified and he will be meeting with zone captains tonight to get all the information to them. Those not able to make it tonight will meet this Saturday at Hugh’s house.
Proposed Amendment Update – Next Steps – It was reported that we are nearing 300 votes received. Still need almost 200 more. One of the primary focuses of the Zone Captains will be to distribute explanations of the amendment and ballots to all those in their zone who have not yet voted.
Liens & Releases 2023 – Mary Ann reported that there were no liens filed and one release since the last meeting. Letters have been personally delivered to all 2022 and 2023 homeowners with outstanding assessment fees still due. We could have quite a large number of liens being filed in June and July.
Requests for approval of improvements to property – The Board has reviewed and approved one request for improvement to a homeowner’s property this month.
Landscaping –
Shelton Landscape has begun mowing. We have reduced the number of times they are to mow and met with them to go over specific areas where they are to mow and trim.
Greg noted that three trees have been taken down by Trees Unlimited. We will be monitoring some of the “at risk” trees as we move forward. Just hope there are no big storms. As we stated, mowing and tree issues are by far the biggest part of our budget.
Creeks – MSD has basically shut us down regarding any help. They agree our creeks are in bad shape, but as long as the water flows, they won’t do anything.
Block Party – The Board has decided to move forward with a block/subdivision party. Some dates have been proposed and Jackie will confirm the availability of the church property. This will be a great opportunity for people to come out and meet one another and learn what is going on in our area. Once we nail down the details, we will have a flyer that our Zone Captains will distribute.
Complaints – The Board has received one official complaint from a resident complaining about another neighbor and asking the Board to step in. There is nothing within the parameters of this complaint that the Board can step into, nor do our Indentures allow for this intervention. It is strictly a resident to resident issue. The Board has drafted a response that we will deliver directly to the complainant indicating such.
Signs for cars/trucks – As Greg was out and about checking on trees and common ground areas, he was reported on Neighborhood Watch as some guy in a grey truck stalking and casing the neighborhood. So, he is going to obtain some magnetic signs for the Board’s cars that simply identify them as Towne South Homeowners Association.
Old Business –
We continue to have issues with people dumping their dog poop bags along some commons grounds near our white fences. Greg said they found over 12 bags on Towne Center just past Brunston. We hope to clean up these areas and then put up No Dumping signs. One sign stating such was found once a bunch of overgrown bushes were cut back. Someone else reported that they have seen people throw bags into the sewers. It would be nice if we could catch them in the act so we could talk to them.
Open Floor Discussions –
Steve Stickford stated that he is concerned about the number of issues regarding security – cars being broken into and items being stolen off porches. He asked if the Board would entertain the idea of increasing our dues in order to hire a security company. Mackenzie responded that we cannot change anything in our Indentures until the current amendment gets passed. A special assessment was suggested. Jackie stated that she has been advised by our attorney that having a special assessment sends the wrong message to the community and can actually hurt property values. It says that this HOA cannot budget properly to take care of their business and their homeowners. Maybe ask for a donation. Almost everyone agrees that our assessment fees are way too low, but our hands are tied until the amendment passes. The cost to hire a security company might be way too expensive. Question was how much theft is actually going on in our subdivision. This would be a question for the police to answer. Dave Carr will see if the police can provide the statistics on crimes in our subdivision, however, we understand that they are short staffed and these kinds of things don’t take precedence. The police are not allowed to chase speeders. It has been recommended that if you can get the license plate number of an offender, please call the police and give them that information. If they get enough complaints they will try to address the issue.
Margie suggested that if we could get more and better lighting people would feel safer. If there is a pole currently available the cost to put a light on top of that is only $9/month. However, in order to put a light on top, all the neighboring homeowners would have to approve it. The Board strongly recommends everyone leaving their porch lights on all night. The more light, the better. This might deter some criminal activity.
On a positive note, it was reported by a resident that he noticed on his Ring that someone was at his door at 2:45 am and left a note that his garage door was left open. The police often sit overnight in the parking lot at Trautwein School on Ambs and make frequent trips through the area. Question was asked if only one patrolman is assigned to our neighborhood. Yes, with the staff shortages that is all we have.
Lynn Stickford indicated that we need a Beautification Committee. Several years ago, one of our cul de sacs was a mess and the neighbors took it upon themselves to clean it up and make it beautiful. We need to see if some residents won’t take this project on. Margie Flood offered to help with this. Mackenzie stated that Lynn and Margie will be chairs of this committee and anyone who wants to help, to please talk to one of them after the meeting.
Nancy Katich once again extended her appreciation for all the new Board is doing for our HOA.
There being no further business to be brought before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next meeting of the Towne South Homeowners Association is Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 7:00 pm at Prince of Peace UCC, 4966 Towne South Road.
Minutes submitted by
Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant