March 2024 Towne South Meeting Minutes
Open Meeting Agenda – March 19, 2024
Present – Ryan Storie, Greg Hertlein, Dave Carr, Hugh McWilliams and Mary Ann McWilliams. In addition to the Board members, attendees included lot owners: Gail Meyers, Lucille Hines, Don Cannon, Cathy Hughes, Denise Dummerth, Renate Feibel, Suzzette Schmit in person and Katie Mizera via Zoom.
Absent – Jackie Tebbe
Chair Ryan Storie called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed and thanked all for attending. Board members were introduced.
1. Approval of Minutes from January 16, 2024, and February 17, 2024 – As the January meeting minutes were not presented for approval at the February annual meeting, we have two sets of minutes to review and approve tonight. First, he asked if there were any changes to the January 16, 2024, Open Meeting minutes. There being none, he asked for approval of those minutes. So approved. Next, he asked if there were any changes to the February 17, 2024, Annual Meeting minutes. There being none, he asked for approval of those minutes. So approved.
2. Financial Update
a. January 2024 – In Jackie’s absence Ryan gave the financial reports. Since we did not report on the January financials at our Annual Meeting, it showed income of $21,076.43 and expenses of $1,178.41 for a net profit for January of $19,898.02. Of note is the fact that in January we have a lot of income from dues coming in and very few expenses, namely $614 in general liability insurance and a little over $300 in our standard utilities.
b. February 2024 – Then for the month of February there was $10,162.71 of income and $9,651.21 expenses for a net profit in February of only $511.50. We had some major expenses, the biggest of which were $5400 in tree removal and $2357 in our D&O Insurance. As of the end of February we have $26,284.70 in checking and $26,609.49 in our money market account for a total of $52,894.19. We realize this sounds like a lot of money, but once our lawn care expenses start up and tree maintenance kicks in, that money will come down quickly. We are always nice and flush at this time of the year, and then when November and December roll around, we’ve used up most of our operating budget.
3. Proposed amendments to Indentures – Ryan reported that the deadline for voting is today, either in person or post marked today. If you have not voted yet, there are ballots in the back on the table. Ryan gave a quick overview of the proposed amendments.
a. Increasing number on Board, along with changing what constitutes a quorum.
b. Budget presentation to homeowners and proposed fee for coming years
c. Approval of 2025 Assessment Fee in the amount of $75
d. Capping the number of rentals
4. Water Company/Ameren Update – Greg reported that work is progressing on the installation of the new water mains, and that they should be come within a month. Water meters will be external. Ambs will be torn up all the way to Butler Hill and will be one lane traffic. The water company is hoping to get approval to work on this portion at night, but don’t know if that will be approved. The collapsed culvert going under Towne Centre near Waringford is on hold now until MSD gets more money. Greg was pleased to announce that all the lights are working and all is good with Ameren.
5. Liens & Releases – There have been none since last meeting.
6. Requests for approval – We have received two requests for approval for fences since our last meeting. Both were reviewed and approved.
7. Common Ground
a. Mowing – Greg reported that the news in this area is that we have a new contract with JPE Services for the 2024 mowing season. We are no longer using Shelton. Shelton’s pricing for the 2024 mowing season was twice what we negotiated with JPE. Shelton insisted on mowing every week and we believe that is not necessary. When it's so hot and we aren’t getting any rain, the grass burns up and there’s nothing to mow. JPE was willing to mow every other week, for a total of 18 cuts. Price is $850 a cut. Would only take a one-year contract given the unsettled economy and pricing. They should start cutting the either the last week of March or the first week of April. Please let us know if you notice they missed something. They are very busy and will be cutting our subdivision on Saturday mornings. One attendee asked that they not start before 9:00 AM since a lot of people who work like to sleep in a little on weekends.
b. Trees – The list of trees on our priority list was completed back in late January during a break in the weather. The cost was $5,400. Many of those trees were able to be taken down and are laying in the creek and not blocking the flow of water. The question was posed about when you cut a tree down in the common ground, can it be left? Yes, as long as it’s not in the way. It saves us a lot of money and it basically takes the tree back to nature. We have another list of about 15 trees that we need to monitor but the price to complete that list is $14,200. Our tree service will begin with a few of those trees within the next month or so, based on the agreed-upon schedule. We certainly hope that the spring and summer storms are kind to our trees.
c. Creeks – There are no issues to report. A question was asked about debris blocking the flow of water in creeks. MSD will come out and clean it up without charging us only if it’s 95% blocked. Who do we call? Greg responded to call him, and he will get you in touch with the correct person.
d. We are going to try to clean up around the fences and hopefully try to cut back the honeysuckle. We need to be very careful as there is a lot of poison ivy mixed in. We need help so if anyone wants to pitch in for a few hours, let us know.
8. Complaint – We have received two complaints about homeowners and are being resolved.
9. Zone Captains – Hugh has nothing to report currently. He will be calling a meeting later this spring to get their input on what needs to be done.
New Business
a) Establish a Beautification Group to help with spring cleanup – Dave stated that we have the equipment, we just need help. Does anyone know of a scout troop that would be willing to help for service hours? It was suggested we pick a day or weekend and have a Clean Up Project. Put up signs around the subdivision as to where and when to meet. Maybe turn it into a gathering the ends with a bbq. Don’t think we can have an open fire within our subdivision, but we can maybe find several people with portable fire pits. We know St. Louis County does not allow the burning of leaves, but untreated sticks are ok.
Old Business - none
Open for Floor Discussions – Questions?
1. What is the stance on rentals? It was noted that nobody governs HOAs unless an issue goes to court. Then St. Louis County laws supersede ours. There was a rumor going around that someone was going to open a B&B within our subdivision. That would not be allowed based on our Indentures. All rentals must be single family and a long-term rental.
2. A new tornado siren was installed at the top of Towne South. The reason for the installation of a bunch of new electric service has to do with the new restaurants going in at Towne South and Tesson Ferry. Our grid is so old and to serve the added usage, more services had to be expanded.
3. The new facility at the YMCA is moving along and will be a special needs facility. They are pouring a lot of money into this.
4. A new Aldi will be going in behind the road from McDonalds.
5. Sansone is buying the property across the street from First Bank and will be putting a strip mall there. Donut shop going in too.
6. Suzzette noted that the county parks are offering a program for kids from 6 to 12 years of age. The child must visit all 10 of the county parks and complete a sheet with pictures of things they are to locate. When completed and turned in, they get 5 free tickets to any swimming pool or ice rink in the county. The program can be found on the County’s website, and she thinks it is called Calling Junior Rangers.
7. Lucille asked if a homeowner needs to get HOA approval to put up a shed in their backyard. Yes, and it must meet the specifications spelled out in our Indentures and get Board approval.
8. One of the attendees said that whoever is doing the website is doing a nice job. Mary Ann stated that Jackie is our website guru, and we will pass along the compliment.
9. There was some discussion earlier about a message board. This was never set to be an electronic one. This idea is on hold for now. We cannot erect where we wanted because of the oil pipes and the necessary county permits. It was questioned if this would even be practical. Would drivers be able to see what the contents are? Would it be subject to vandalism? Just some things to consider.
10. Another question about whether we have thought about using blast email notices to get our message out. MaryAnn reported that up until our assessment invoice that went out in January asking for contact information on the homeowner, we’ve never had enough emails to make it work. Hopefully this is something we can pursue in the future.
Ryan asked if anyone had anything to bring to the Board at this time. There being none, the Towne South Homeowners Association Open Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm. The next meeting will be on April 16, 2024, 7:00 pm at Prince of Peace UCC.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant