October 2022 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes

Present: Board of Governors -- Greg Hertlein, Hugh McWilliams, Ryan Storie, Jackie Tebbe, and Administrative Assistant Mary Ann McWilliams

Absent: Mackenzie Hennekes

Homeowners Present: Glenn & Margie Huelsing, Don Cannon, Jim Caine, Nancy Katich, Ginger Whetstone, Lucile Hines and Anna Lang (via Zoom).

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Vice Chair Ryan Storie in the absence of the President Mackenzie Hennekes who, as a teacher, was hosting Parent/Teacher conferences. Jackie activated the camera for those who are attending via Zoom. Ryan welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. He introduced the Board of Governors, along with their titles. He is the Vice President, Jackie is Secretary/Treasurer and Greg and Hugh are Trustees. All present were given handouts of the proposed amendment and the subdivision map outlining the 15 zones.

Agenda Item #1 outlines our goals and projects we see as things that need our attention. The Board met to discuss the current Indentures document which was last updated in 1996. It needs to be updated in order to more closely reflect the current operations of the Association and allow for a less burdensome and complicated amendment process. The first step will be to pass an amendment allowing a more orderly and workable method to accomplish this. After much discussion the Board is proposing the attached amendment to the Indentures to replace the current Article V, Section II.

Ryan read the proposed amendment. It offers two options to bring an amendment to the table to be voted on. He asked if there were any questions or comments. A couple of residents present expressed that this amendment is definitely needed and felt it was good. Jackie commented that the important part is Section C which will require 2/3 affirmative vote of those present in person or by proxy at a duly called meeting to approve any proposed amendment. We still need to follow the current procedure in place to pass this amendment but then when this passes moving forward will be much less cumbersome and complicated.

Question was asked what happens if we don’t get the 2/3 affirmative vote we need to pass this. Ryan responded we go back to the drawing board and try again. He is confident that with what other measures the Board is proposing tonight that we can get this accomplished.

Agenda Item #2 – The Board has made it a priority to promote the involvement of residents of Towne South Homeowners Association. To this end, Jackie has taken the subdivision map and sectioned it into 15 zones.

We are seeking Zone Captains from each of the 15 zones to be the liaison between the residents from that zone to the HOA. Communication is very important and we want to keep everyone informed and aware of what’s going on in their subdivision. Several people attending the meeting stepped forward to take on Zone Captain of their area. These Zone Captains will be reaching out to residents on behalf of the HOA. This will be critical to getting approval of the new amendment. It was discussed that Zone Captains should have either a name tag or business card identifying them. The Board will put together a list of “talking points” so that all Zone Captains are consistently covering the same topics. Much has transpired in the past several months with this HOA and Mary Ann will prepare a Newsletter to go out with the dues in December.

Agenda Item #3 – The Board is committed to the subdivision to lower the expenditures and increase the revenue in an effort to secure the future of Towne South for this generation and the future. Ryan reported that grass cutting and tree trimming is our biggest expense. We are looking at options to cut this down. We are open to anyone bidding on this or any other expenditure we have. Insurance is another big expense and we are looking into other providers and looking for bids.

Agenda Item #4 – Response to lot owner concerning that one of the new Board Members is not a “lot owner.”

Ryan read Article II, Page 5 – “No person may serve as a member of the Board of Governors unless they are a resident of one of the lots in Towne South Subdivision and unless all annual, general or special assessments levied against their lot or lots are paid in full currently.” The Board member in question is definitely a resident of one of the lots in the subdivision and has been for over 50 years. Greg stepped forward and stated that it was his position that was being questioned. Ryan asked if there were any comments or questions regarding this issue. Several in attendance thanked Greg for his dedication to our subdivision. No one present had an issue with this, therefore, this lot owner’s complaint was dismissed.

Agenda Item #5 – Additionally there was concern from a lot owner regarding who is allowed in the HOA meetings. Ryan stated that anyone – resident, lot owner or not – can attend as our meetings are public and are open. We have nothing to hide. All have the right to know what’s going on in their subdivision. Article II, Page 6 of our Indentures covers this. It has been interpreted by the current Board that the open meetings shall be open to all lot owners but not exclusive to lot owners. No one can exclude any lot owner from attending for any reason. However, this does not limit others to attend open meetings as well. It just gives lot owners all rights to be present. The Board of Governors may, if they deem it necessary, convene meetings that are ONLY open to lot owners or limited to lot owners (for instance voting issues), but not all meetings are exclusive to lot owners. Question was asked how many renters we currently have in our subdivision. Jackie said between 40-45. In these cases, we do have the address of the lot owner and we do communicate to the lot owners, not the renters. Ryan asked if there were any questions or comments. There were none.

Agenda Item #6 – It was recommended by a lot owner to have a St. Louis County Police Officer come to our monthly meetings to speak to the lot owners. The Board feels that the St. Louis County Police have a lot on their plate and we would rather have them out there doing their job than coming to all our meetings and talking about routine things like locking your car doors, not leaving your garage door up, keeping lights on, etc. We will invite them to our annual meeting in February. Ryan asked that if anyone has a guest speaker to recommend, that they get us their name and contact information. Our annual meeting usually has about 30- 35 attendees and is the third Sunday afternoon in February. We need to be careful and avoid Superbowl Sunday. One attendee suggested that we turn it into a social meet and greet after the meeting and ask people to bring a snack or dessert to share. Good idea – we will pursue this.

Open Discussion – One of the attendees asked about the upkeep of some of our common ground. It seems piles of limbs are increasing. Greg has been driving around and making note of all the fallen trees and limbs that need our attention. He has a truck and trailer and will be actively working on this issue. Dumping the limbs and yard waste is one of our problems. One attendee suggested we call Hansen’s Green Drop Off. It is located in Arnold and he has used it and found it to be reasonably priced. He gave Greg the contact phone number.

Ryan asked if there was any other business to be brought to this Board. There being none, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next Towne South Homeowners Association HOA meeting is Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 7:00 pm at Prince of Peace UCC.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ann McWilliams
Administrative Assistant


November 2022 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes


September 2022 Towne South Monthly Meeting Minutes