July 2022 Town South Monthly Meeting Minutes
As of 8/22/22 - Trustee Jackie Tebbe still awaiting July monthly minutes from then Secretary/Treasurer & Administrative Assistant Richard Tucker. These minutes were not prepared by Richard Tucker within the month of July, or they were prepared and not distributed to the then board members, Vice President Judy Clobes and Trustee, Jackie Tebbe. Richard Tucker emailed Jackie Tebbe after his resignation asking for access to Towne South Homeowners Association documentation that he was no longer privy to as a non-board member to “complete” the minutes.]
According to written correspondence from Richard Tucker in August, his recollection of what transpired in the July monthly meeting was “that several lot owners present were very upset that the TSHA had not complied with the Indentures and that Board Members had violated the Indentures.”
Although it was not the duty of Jackie Tebbe to prepare monthly minutes at the time of the July meeting, an attempt to summarize:
Place Holder of Minutes until they are provided by R. Tucker
Discussion regarding the resignation of the former President and former Trustee took place with the lot owners present in addition to discussions regarding the need to appoint additional Board Members, open discussions regarding the purpose and use of Facebook and NextDoor for TSHA, discussions regarding a previous Facebook message from a lot owner to the Board regarding concerns, and an email from a lot owner to presumably the entire board in response to said discussions pertaining to Facebook message and other issues.
Lot owners present at the meeting expressed disapproval of the Board detailing their name, address, and phone number on public minutes. It is the recollection of Trustee Jackie Tebbe that the then Board agreed to not display all contact information (name, address, email and/or phone number) for lot owners present at meetings, other than simply listing name.
In Attendance: Richard Tucker (Secretary/ Treasurer & Administrative Assistant), Judy Clobes (Vice President), Jackie Tebbe (Trustee),Mark Kohring, Rick Tebbe, Jon & Beth Strautz, Evelyn Bevans, Anna & Aaron Lang, Susan Lang, Sue Unger, Sanela and Sanel Bajic, Amanda Ingram, Tera Overy & Mackenzie Hennekes.
July Minutes as provided by R. Tucker. (Addresses & Phone numbers of those in attendance removed by J. Tebbe)
Towne South Homeowners Association
Monthly Meeting Minutes for
July 19, 2022
Vice-President Judy Clobes called the meeting to order at
Attendees include Trustee Jackie Tebbe and Secretary/Treasurer Rich Tucker, who is also the Administrative Assistant.
Tucker said he was unable to get the air conditioning to work properly. He said he would talk to Prince of Peace Church about this issue.
Lot owners present included:
Kim Rickert, Ryan Storie, Sue Unger, Sanella Bejdic, Santina Jones, Becky Pritchard, Aaron & Anna Lang, Susan Lang, Nancy Katich, Evelyn Bevans, Lamont & Jason Johnson, Beth Strautz.
Tucker announced the Board has waived the reading of the minutes and the financial report. Tucker provides copies for the lot owners.
Tucker announced that Joe Hunt and Jayne Hunt had resigned from the Board.
Tucker said there was an attempt to post an item to the TSHA Facebook page, that the Board did not allow. The person did tag TSHA, so the post was available for Facebook members to read. Tucker responded to the issues raised in the Facebook attempted post. Tucker said the Board decided not to allow the posting and removed the ability to tag the TSHA Facebook page.
Tucker said this was not his decision, but the Board’s. There was a lengthy discussion on this issue. It was recommended by some of the lot owners that TSHA should have allowed the posting and then issued a response, so other lot owners would be aware of the responses given by Tucker. Again, Tucker said it was not his decision concerning this issue, but the Board’s.
Evelyn Bevans, then read a letter she had sent to the Board. There was a discussion about the issues raised in Bevans letter.
TSHA Annual Assessments Outstanding 17
Late Fees not Paid 21
2021 Late Fees not paid – 4
Adjourned at
Next Meeting 6/21/22
A motion was made seconded and approved to adjourn at 7:50 pm.
The next meeting will be July 19, 2022 at 7pm. at Prince of Peace Church Hall.
Respectfully submitted
Richard E. Tucker